Monday, September 30, 2019

Religion Essay

1.) As a person of goodwill, explain the necessity of establishing rapport, amity, and concordance among the various religions in Asia and the world; and more specifically among Muslims and Christians in the Philippines. Why is religion a positive contributor towards peacemaking but at the same time can be a source of societal turmoil? In what way can Asian religions transcend divisiveness by standing side by side with other religions, without losing their very own unique creeds or belief-systems? Based on the films about Muslim Filipinos shown in class, please explain in what way Christians and Muslims can utilize their respective religions for peace and harmony in Mindanao? Answer these questions by citing concrete cases to prove your point (30 points). It is necessary to establish rapport, amity, and concordance among the various religions in Asia and the world more specifically among Muslims and Christians in the Philippines in order to better understand their systematic beliefs, values, and behavior, acquired by people as a member of their society. These patterns are systematic because their manifestations are regular in occurrence and expression: they are shared by member of a group. It is also necessary to build friendship and connection among diverse religions in Asia and the world to build a better society and to have peace in every nation. In such a society it is very important to have harmony and respect amongst the different religions. We must distinguish between belief and respect. Belief refers to total faith, which you must have in your own religion. At the same time you should have respect for all other religions. This tradition of believing in one’s own religion and having respect for others. In every religion, there are transcendent things that are beyond the grasp of our mind and speech. For example, the concept of God in Christianity and Islam and that of wisdom truth body in Buddhism are metaphysical, which is not possible for an ordinary person like us to realize. This is a common difficulty faced by every religion. It is taught in every  ­religion, including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam, that the ultimate truth is driven by faith. As far as the Muslims are concerned it is appropriate for them to have complete devotion to Allah while praying in the mosques. This is also the same with Buddhists who are completely devoted to the Buddha when they pray in Buddhist temples. A society, which has many religions should also have many prophets and sources of refuge. I want to emphasize that it is extremely essential to sincerely believe in their respective religions. Usually, it is very important to distinguish between â€Å"belief in one religion† and â€Å"belief in many religions†. Religion is a positive contributor towards peacemaking but at the same time can be a source of societal turmoil because religion is a perennial and perhaps inevitable factor in both conflict and conflict resolution. Religion, after all, is a powerful constituent of cultural norms and values, and because it addresses the most profound existential issues of human life (e.g., freedom and inevitability, fear and faith, security and insecurity, right and wrong, sacred and profane), religion is deeply implicated in individual and social conceptions of peace. To transform the conflicts besetting the world today, we need to uncover the conceptions of peace within our diverse religious and cultural traditions, while seeking the common ground among them. Traditionally many people focus on how wars and conflicts are seemingly undertaken for religious reasons, or at least undertaken in the name of religion. A significant problem with organized religion and belief, as this relates to peace and conflict, is individuals and groups often confuse the map (their socially-learned version of reality or culture or religion) with the territory (or ultimate reality). Thus people believe that their personal or subjective version of reality or religion is valid, while other views are invalid. Instead it can be argued that the many maps are different, but possibly equally valid interpretations and attempts to understand the same underlying reality or territory. Asian religions can transcend divisiveness by standing side by side with other religions, without losing their very own unique creeds or belief-systems through banding together in interfaith dialogue, cooperation, and religious peacebuilding. The first major dialogue was the Parliament of the World’s Religions at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, which remains notable even today both in affirming â€Å"universal values† and recognition of the diversity of practices among different cultures. The 20th century has been especially fruitful in use of interfaith dialogue as a means of solving ethnic, political, or even religious conflict, with Christian–Jewish reconciliation representing a complete reverse in the attitudes of many Christian communities towards Jews. Christians and Muslims can utilize their respective religions for peace and harmony through sharing the main morals and conducts that are for the benefit of humanity and nature. They believe in the same basic morals that are important for people to follow in order to live in peace, harmony, and love in communities with different faiths and cultures. And to through tolerance, respect and cooperation with respect in each other’s religions. 2.) Explain why Islam is considered the â€Å"most misunderstood religion†. What are some historical, sociological and cultural reasons that paved the way for a misunderstanding of the true nature of Islam among non-Muslims and even among Muslims? Islam means â€Å"submission to the will of God in all areas of one’s life†. Muslim means, â€Å"One who submits to God’s will†. These Arabic words are actually non-sectarian terms if we look at the context of these words in the Qur’an. Can we use the term â€Å"Muslim† in its universal implication to include all believers in One God? Can we use the term â€Å"Muslim† to any person (irrespective of religions) who strives sincerely to submit to the will of God in his life? [Hint: Consider the Islamic doctrine of Risalah (Progressive Revelation) and the Islamic view of the universality of God’s calling of prophethood] (30 points). Islam is considered the â€Å"most misunderstood religion† because most of the time it is considered as a violent religion and is likely â€Å"to encourage violence among believers†. And there is also some outright falsehood for example, â€Å"God sent prophets to every nation for their guidance.† But, According to the â€Å"Doctrine of Progressive Revelation†, Islam is very universal since it admits that Allah sent prophets to everyone whereas Jews believe that prophets only come from them because they are the â€Å"chosen people of God.† Another example, â€Å"One of the missions of the Prophet of Islam was to bring peace and unity to the feuding tribes, the Jahiliah or the ignorant Arabs of the pre-Islamic days. This he succeeded in doing as narrated in several verses of the Qur-an†. The message of Allah were brought by one Prophet and recorded in one holy Qur-an. There is no other Qur-an, or versions or it, or editions which carry different texts. The hold Qur-an is not in the form of Gospels by Muslim saints or ‘ulama’. The holy Qur-an is just the record of the messages of Allah in the Arabic of the period. Translations of the Qur-an may be different in minor ways, but they are not accepted as the holy Qur-an. Only that in the original Arabic is accepted. So there can be no differing text or Gospels or versions which can result in differences in the messages or teachings of Islam. Yet, clearly there are differences, serious differences, so serious that Muslims are divided sometimes into warring sects. One of the reasons that paved the way of misunderstanding the true nature of Islam among non-Muslims and even Muslims are the â€Å"media†. Media is the greatest factor on how people view their surroundings. Somehow, criticizing the Islam brings them more readers/viewers. We tend to judge and generalize things without knowing the exact story behind those issues. Infact, the worl Islam means peace, purity, submission and obedience. In the religious sense, Islam means submission to the will of God and obedience to His law. Yes, we can use the term â€Å"Muslim† in its universal implication to include all believers in One God, as well as, to any person (irrespective of religions) who strives sincerely to submit to the will of God in his life because â€Å"Muslim† believe that God is eternal, transcendent, absolutely one (the doctrine of tawhid, or strict or simple monotheism), and incomparable; that he is self-sustaining, who begets not nor was begotten. 3.) Write a â€Å"reflective synthesizing essay† that answers the following questions: In the future prospect, will the Asian religions move from rhetoric unity and act as one to solve the common problems affecting humanity? As for Asian countries, will they achieve political independence from the clutches of Western neo-colonialism? Is there a need to abandon our cherished worldview and values in the name of development? How will the Asians reconcile their adherence to Asian ethos and at the same time open to the demands of globalization? How will the differing Asian worldviews and religions be properly harnessed to promote nationalism among Asians and global cooperation among countries in the world? (30 points) Yes. In the future, the Asian religions will move from rhetoric unity and act as one to solve the common problems affecting humanity to have a better nation, to have a respect on one another, to fix the unjust and destructive situations. There is no need to abandon our cherished worldview and values in the name of development but rather preserve it and continue following those values to build a progressive and advance nation. With their differing Asian worldviews and religions they can create different ideas and new innovations but with respect with one another’s point of view, and to accept what other countries have made, to promote nationalism among Asians and global cooperation among countries in the world. 4.) Explain what made Japanese civilization unique in its approach to establishing a pro-active Asian civilization capable of having positive ethical patterns as fountainhead of their development? Explain why it is not just enough to simply support one’s parents for one to be called â€Å"filial†; what are therefore the other requirements to be able to truly say that one has completely conducted oneself as â€Å"filial son/daughter† to one’s parents? What makes Indian civilization stuck into conservatism? What are some of the positive role that the caste-system plays in Indian civilization? What are also the negative aspects of the caste system to Indian civilization? Explain in what way did Japan show a purposive and planned-out blueprint for development in their history? (30 points) It is not just enough to simply support one’s parents for one to be called â€Å"filial† because we owe our parents a lot- because of them we able to eat three meals a day, sometimes even more. They give us clothes and sometimes the things that are beyond our needs. They send us to school. But more than simply supporting us in the most basic sense of supporting, our parents loves us. It now becomes something different because when we love them back, we do not do so out of indebtedness. We give our love freely, and not as a payment with a certain interest. Most of all, because of this special filial relationship with them that we had since birth, we also respect and obey them. We not only support our parents, but serve them. The Indian â€Å"caste system† made it stuck into conservatism. The positive roles that the caste-system plays in Indian civilization, provides a sense of community and belongingness. And the two main strands of thought: Divine will- the belief that a hierarchical social structure is part of the divine intention for natural order, and the Purity- the need to emphasize the importance of ritual purity and impurity. But there is also a negative aspect of caste-system to Indian civilization. For example, marrying someone from a different caste, whilst not officially outlawed, is generally discouraged. They only lived, ate, and worked within their group. This was based on the idea that people are different and should have different roles. And a person born into one caste never changed castes and very seldom mixed with members of other castes. Castes were unchanging groups but people from the lowest caste were told that they have to serve the other castes so that they can be reborn into a higher caste in their next life.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Life History Essay

The purpose of getting a life history on a person is to be able to â€Å"paint a picture† of who they are. The information from the history should not just be a random collection of facts. The history should be an account of the person’s life story, including important themes in their life that reflect the development of their personality and their relationships with other people. Life histories play key roles in psychological treatment and research. While the following guidelines are rather typical of the sort of questions asked, interviews vary considerable depending on who’s doing them and why. Your purpose in conducting this interview is educational. While your objective is collecting the same information you might in a real clinical or research situation, keep in mind this is a didactic exercise. Therefore, be willing to sacrifice sensitive or upsetting information to protect the comfort and privacy of your subject. Be sure to let him or her know (s)he does not need to talk about anything (s)he doesn’t want to. While doing the interview, pay careful attention to how the person is responding to your questions, and always be respectful of his/her privacy. If it seems like the person is uncomfortable discussing some aspect of his or her life, don’t press for an answer. Move on to the next part of the interview. Each of you will interview a classmate. Then, that classmate will interview you. I expect each interview to take about 1.5 hours. You should take notes, and if you have access to a tape recorder, I would recommend using it too. Be sure to check your recorder to see that it is working, though, and take notes anyway–machines fail at the darndest times! Be sure to print a copy of these guidelines and bring them with you. Don’t be afraid to refer back to them for questions and guidance about topics to broach. This assignment is due on 5/29/00. Beginning the Interview It is best to begin the interview by giving the person free range to tell their life story. Where they start their story and how they tell it will reveal what immediately strikes them as important. So begin the interview with the following instructions: â€Å"I’d like to find out about your life history. Could you tell me about it? Describe it to me as if you were telling me your life story.† Most people will leave out certain details. If the details seem important, use open-ended questions to probe for more information, such as â€Å"And then what happened?† or â€Å"What did you do after that?† We also want to find out about how people thought and felt about what happened to them. If they omit this information, use such questions as â€Å"How did you feel about that?† or â€Å"What did you think about that at the time?† The Importance of Reflection It is best if the interview doesn’t turn into a â€Å"question and answer† session where you ask questions and they give short answers. It’s difficult to do, but try to turn the interview into a smoothly flowing discussion. Use the technique known as â€Å"reflection† to encourage a person to talk more about something. Simply reflect back to the person some important aspect of what they have just said. You may simply repeat the exact words the person used, or you may sometimes add in some thought or feeling that you detected in what the person said. Reflections are NOT in the form of a question. If you can do this effectively, you won’t have to bombard the person with all of the questions listed above. Here are some examples: Person: â€Å"My father and I used to play ball in the backyard. We had a lot of fun with that.† You: â€Å"You and your father had some fun times.† Person: â€Å"When he said that to me, it really annoyed me. I couldn’t believe my best friend would say something like that.† You: â€Å"He could really get you angry with his remarks.† Other examples of open-ended reflections might be: â€Å"I guess you really enjoyed that time of your life.† â€Å"It sounds like it upset you when he said that.† â€Å"It seems like that was a very important event for you.† When a question does seem necessary, open-ended questions are most likely to lead to richer responses (rather than â€Å"yes† or â€Å"no†). Open ended questions invite answers that are descriptive and elaborative, rather than monosyllables. â€Å"How do you feel about school† is an open-ended questions, because it allows great latitude in the response that might be given. â€Å"Do you like school† would merely prompt a few word response; similarly, a multple-choice format limits responses. There are situations where open-ended questions are not optimal (e.g., â€Å"When and where were you born† is fine). But usually, the goal is getting the subject to talk about important topics, rather than answer hundreds of questions you think might be relevant. Open-ended questions are usually best for initiating a flowing conversation. Areas to Explore People will also leave out certain topic areas that are important. You will need to ask questions about this areas, but always try to do so in an open-ended way that allows people to express themselves freely, according to what strikes them as important. You should get information about all of the following areas. Start with the first open-ended question, and work your way down to the following questions, if needed. 1. The history of parents and grandparents: â€Å"Tell me about your parents’ lives.† â€Å"What can you tell me about your grandparents’ lives?† (Inquire about their lives before and after marriage, including important events in their life, their childhood, education, occupation, ethnic and religious background. If they leave out a parent or grandparent, inquire about them) 2. Early childhood (before school): â€Å"What do you know about yourself as a baby.† â€Å"What was your mother’s pregnancy like?† â€Å"Were there any family stories or jokes about what you were like as a child?† â€Å"What are your earliest childhood memories?† â€Å"What do you remember or know about major early events in your life – like eating habits, walking, talking, and toilet training?† â€Å"Were there any stresses in your family at that time?† 3. School Years: â€Å"What were your early years in school like?† â€Å"Do you remember the very first day of school?† â€Å"How did you do at school work through the years?† â€Å"What were your relationships like with your teachers and schoolmates?† â€Å"Who were your friends and what sorts of things did you do with them?† 4. Adolescence: â€Å"What was your adolescence like?† â€Å"How was your social and school life at that time?† â€Å"When did you enter puberty. How did your life change then? â€Å"What was your relationship with your friends during your teen years?† â€Å"What was your relationship with your family at that time?† â€Å"When did you start to date, and what were those relationships like?† 5. Adult Life (including college): â€Å"What has been important about your adult life?† â€Å"What have your adult relationships with friends and co- workers been like?† â€Å"What has your relationship with your (husband/wife, fiance, boyfriend/girlfriend) been like? â€Å"What types of jobs have you worked at, and what did you think about those jobs?† â€Å"What was college like for you?† â€Å"What hobbies or other interests do you have?† 6. Family Information (if you didn’t already get this info): â€Å"What has your family been like over the years.† â€Å"Tell me about your brothers and sisters† (age, education, marital status, their relationship with the interviewee) â€Å"How would you describe the personalities of the people in your family?† â€Å"What role did each parent take in raising you?† â€Å"Were there any emotional problems in the family, or conflicts between family members?† â€Å"Did your family ever move? What was that like?† â€Å"What is the ethnic background of your family?† â€Å"What has been your religious upbringing, and your attitudes about religion?† â€Å"Describe your own family.† (relationship with children, how children relate to each other and spouse, typical activities, etc.) Questions & Answers about the Assignment Here are some questions a classmate asked. I felt it might be helpful to share them, and my replies, with the rest of you. I do have a tape recorder ( I am not sure if I trust it very much, what if it doesn’t pick up the voice or ), Point the mike at the interviewee, talk a few minutes, then play it back to see if it’s working. If your partner has a tape, use it too as a back-up. I actually do use two sometimes in my work. And, of course, take notes in case the darn thing decides to fail when you need it most. but what should I do about notes? (i don’t write very fast at all) And how can/should an interviewer take notes so as to minimize its interference in the interview? Learning to use shorthand is part of learning to be a good inteviewer. Just write what you must to reconstruct the conversation. You can go back and fill in the details later. It’s ok to ask the interviewee to wait while you write (â€Å"just a second, please†¦ok, thanks, go ahead.†). This is less disruptive than you might imagine, as long as you don’t do it too frequently. Are we supposed to ask All the questions? That is a stupid lead-in on my part, but it seems like that would take longer than 1.5 hours. I actually expect the interviews will run about 2 hours, but if I assigned that people would run over anyway, so I thought I’d do you a favor by starting with a lower expectation. Try to pace yourself. If you find you’re spending lots of time on one part of your subject’s life, move the conversation (â€Å"great. Thanks. Now, could you tell me about [new topic]†). I don’t expect anyone will follow the guidelines exactly. That’s why I’m offering them as guidelines rather than a rigid set of questions. Are there wrong responses to this interview? I would not want to ramble and be a bore. I like to talk/share. I am trying to decide if I should warn my interviewer. That really is the interviewer’s job†¦to politely redirect the subject when (s)he rambles off. Some of that is inevitable, even desirable, but it is important to redirect things when the subject lapses into long, relatively unimportant tangents. Besides what if you just don’t remember or it takes too long to try and remember or you only remember vaguely or if things are difficult to explain? Well, you won’t be able to say much about those things. That’s ok. It’s not as though I think about these things all that often or in specific articulable terms, ya know? Or do I sound like an idiot? No, I feel the same way about some of the questions. For example, I don’t know much about my toilet training. I suppose if I was still in diapers at age 4 I probably WOULD know about it, so often, when something in early childhood is unremarkable, we don’t know much about it. That’s fine. Should we try to think of responses? What should/can I do to be a better interviewee/interviewer? I don’t think you need to prepare to be interviewed. Of course, there’s no harm in thinking a little about the questions ahead of time, but I think it would be a poor idea to prepare your responses. That wouldn’t give your interviewer a very natural experience. By the way, what is the age range difference between what is referred to in/by Schoool Years versus Adolescence? School Years generally refers to middle- and later-childhood, say the ages of 6-12. Also, What is due on the 26nd? Notes? A write-up of some sort? Q & A transcript type record? No. Both interviews should be complete by that date. Your write up will be due on the last meeting of class. You say this is a Didactic experience—as opposed to what? What sort of instruction is that intended to give us? Did you mean to convey anything specific, may I ask? Not to sound suspicious, just trying to understand. I’m trying to remind you that this is a learning experience. So, if you start discussing things that are upsetting to the interviewee, or (s)he is reluctant to discuss, I wouldn’t encourage you to â€Å"push† or â€Å"dig deeper.† One might do such things during a professional assessment, or as a therapist, but this is an educational experience for the interviewer, not a clinical intervention to benefit the interviewee. Consequently, it’s appropriate to sacrifice information that be essential in a different context. For example, if you find that your subject was beaten as a kid, you might not push for details in this exercise (that would be an unwarrented intrusion), although I certainly might in a â€Å"real† clinical or research interview.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Chapter 12 Taxation and Income Distribution

Chapter 12 Taxation and Income Distribution I. Impact of taxes on income distribution hard to determine because of tax incidence II. Tax Incidence a. Who actually pays a tax b. Legal Incidence – who is legally responsible for paying a tax c. Economic Incidence – who actually pays the tax d. Example – tax of $1 is placed on $10 item how is income distribution affected i. Price stays at $10 – income of seller reduced ii. Prices rises to $11 – income of buyers reduced iii. Price rises to $10. 30 – buyers pay $. 30 and sellers pay $. 70 e.To the extent taxes affect quantity sold and produced, tax affects income of suppliers of inputs for the product. i. Example: tax on gasoline reduces gasoline consumption it reduces income of gasoline tanker truck owners and drivers. ii. May reduce the income of furnace manufactures by reducing the price of heating fuel. III. Tax Incidence Perspectives a. People pay taxes not corporations b. How to group people for purposes of tax incidence i. Often think of producers and consumers 1. But consumers are also producers and producers are also consumers 2. 0 of households own stock directly, others own stock indirectly ii. By income Rich, Middle Class, Poor 1. How do you define these categories? c. Tax affect both suppliers of inputs and consumers of a product. i. In practice tend to ignore one side and do analysis on the other 1. Tax in commodity ignore impacts on inputs 2. Tax on inputs, ignore impact on consumers d. Incidence depends on how prices are determined i. How taxes change prices determine who pays the taxes ii. Amount of time is important – more time more adjustment to taxes e. Tax incidence depends on how tax revenues are spend . Progressiveness of tax system i. Policy says tax system should be progressive. ii. Higher income pay a higher percentage of taxes 1. Usually measured as increase in average tax rate taxes/income 2. Exemptions, deductions and marginal rate structur e affect average tax rate iii. 2 measures 1. Percentage change in tax rate divided by percentage change in income 2. Percentage change in taxes divided by the percentage change in income 3. Measures can produce different results IV. Partial Equilibrium Models of Tax Incidence a. Analyzes impact of tax on the market in which tax was imposed b.Ignore impact of market change on other markets i. Appropriate if tax is small ii. Appropriate if market is small iii. Otherwise need general equilibrium analysis c. Tax incidence of a unit tax – tax per unit of the good i. Legal incidence on buyers – figure 12. 2 1. Tax reduces the demand curve for the product from the supplier’s point of view since at each price the consumer buys less of the product. [pic] ii. Legal incidence on seller – figure 12. 3 1. Tax reduces the supply curve for the product from the consumer’s point of view since at each price the suppliers supply less of the product pic] iii. Economic incidence is independent of legal incidence 1. Arrive at same Price, Quantity, and tax split regardless of whether tax is on producer or supplier. a. Sales tax example iv. Tax incidence depends on relative elasticities of demand and supply v. Example Qd = 1,000 – 5P and Qs = 4P – 80 Tax $45 per unit [pic] [pic] d. Tax incidence of an ad valorem tax – tax per unit of the good i. A percentage tax rather than a unit tax ii. Sales tax as compared to gasoline tax iii. More difficult to calculate but shifts demand as shown in figure 12. V. Payroll Tax Controversy a. Legal incidence 7. 5% paid by employer and 7. 5% paid by employee b. Statutory distinction between employer and employee is irrelevant c. Economic split depends on elasticity of supply of labor d. Logical that the labor supply is fairly inelastic i. Household provides certain amount of labor regardless of wage ii. May not be true in long run VI. Tax on Capital a. Increasingly capital perfectly mobile b. M oved to where return is highest after adjusting for risk c. Rate of return on capital same everywhere in world d.No single country can make suppliers of capital bear any portion of a tax on capital VII. Taxes in markets with monopoly power a. Impact of taxes same as in competitive markets b. Consumers and monopolist share tax depending on the elasticity of demand c. Figure 12. 10 VIII. Taxes in oligopoly markets a. Impact of taxes difficult to determine b. Price increase resulting from reduction in output resulting from the tax may make a company more profitable IX. Tax on profits a. Tax on normal profits reduce investment because profit is return on capital and risk b.Tax on economic profits born entirely by company with change in behavior c. Seemly ideal tax but not very operational X. Tax Incidence and Capitalization a. Tax increase on real estate is capitalized into PV of property b. Borne entirely owners at time tax is levied c. May be reimbursed if public expenditures increase property values XI. General Equilibrium Models a. Read first paragraph P 271 b. Generally not operational [pic] ———————– Po Pg Pn Q0 Q1 Supply ConsumerDemand Supplier Perceived Demand Tax paid by Consumers Tax paid by SuppliersDeadweight Loss from Tax Consumer Losses and Producers losses Po Pg Pn Q0 Q1 Supply Demand Consumer Perceived Supply Tax paid by Consumers Tax paid by Suppliers Deadweight Loss Consumer Losses and Producer losses Deadweight Loss Consumer Losses and Producer losses Tax paid by Suppliers Tax paid by Consumers Consumer Perceived Supply Demand Supply 300 400 95 140 120 Deadweight Loss from Tax Consumer Losses and Producers losses Tax paid by Suppliers Tax paid by Consumers Supplier Perceived Demand ConsumerDemand Supply 300 400 95 20 200 120 140

Friday, September 27, 2019

Answer Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Answer Question - Essay Example The FCFE approach pertains to the common stockholders. Unlike the FCFF, which incorporates the EBITDA, the ownership perspective holds that neither does EBITDA account for different capital frameworks nor does it account for cash flow from bondholders. Common stockholders argue that EBITDA fails to allow for adjustments from reinvesting cash flows to improve the value of the company in the long-term. Many financial analysts utilize historical data to establish the ex ante risk premium. Such an approach to predict future performance of stocks and bonds raises some validity concerns within the commercial markets. Besides being difficult to establish the data series and time period to use, some analysts argue that historical data is ambiguous and is not a legitimate method to forecast future returns. In addition, historical data sets are viewed as being independent to each other and are equally distributed over the time period. However, returns on investments are negatively correlated to each other. Statistical Stationarity: The previous financial performance may not indicate the future financial performance in a financial market. For example, in the U.S., changes in the stock market in the 20th century indicate a stationery return series. a. When the Return on Capital (ROC) reduces, the Return on Equity (ROE) significantly reduces, ceteris paribus. Shareholder equity forms part of investment capital. If the capital invested fails to realize the forecasted capital gains, the net income attributable to share holder equity significantly reduces. b. A decrease in leverage increases the return on equity. Reduced long-term debt stimulates capital investments based on shareholders’ equity; that is, low long-term debt induces investments based on shareholders’ equity. Capital investments based on shareholders’ equity would increase the return

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Professional Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Professional Application - Essay Example The different platforms have successfully delivered the objectives of the business and created credibility of the brand and helped developed committed database of clientele and niche market. Introduction Integrated marketing techniques have emerged as powerful way of processing communication and sending critical messages across wider database of users and customers (Kotler et al., 2007). The synergistic mix of promotional channels has increasingly become more effective and efficient way to market goods and products. Marketing communication therefore is being conceptualized as an approach to business, making it an integral part of business strategy and planning (Wilson and Gilligan, 2003). It is vital element of business as it helps to develop committed clientele whose changing preferences are met through customization of products and services that meet their requirements. Indeed, in the age of advancing technology, customers have become more informed and put greater pressure on the m arketers. Looking at these various compulsions, Steve Madden footwear would use three different formats of media to market its products which are described as below. Part 1 Media choice 1: Broadcast advertising Broadcast advertising encompasses television and radio based advertising. Steve Madden is well-established footwear brand that needs to maintain its niche market position through unique advertising that can reach mass customer base to maintain its competitive edge in the industry. Television advertising at prime time would be used to target segmented demographic market. Television is powerful medium that influences consumer behavior through its visual and textual content that are able to connect with people’s ideas regarding the products and services. Its major objective would be to influence the buying behavior of the customers and motivate them to use their products. The secondary goals would be to maintain its visibility and create awareness regarding the robustness of the Steve Madden shoes that are preferred by the celebrities who endorse them on advertisements. The main advantage would be that it would create mass awareness of its new product lines and help people to evaluate and process the information as visual content tends to be remembered longer than print media. It exploits modelling theory that relies on observing the behaviour of others that often results in positive outcome (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2007). People identify with models and events and eventually get motivated to buy the product. The key disadvantage is the massive budget that could be difficult to maintain for long. Television advertising is expensive but as it is also the most effective platform of marketing goods, the decision would be beneficial for the company on a macro basis. The advertisement would use sports celebrity for showcasing its rough and tough product line in sports channel during rugby and baseball matches. It would use local channels and regional distribu tion channels as advertising platform. Entertainment channel at prime time on local television would target women and children. Advertisements on sports channel would target teenagers and young professional. The entertainment channel would focus on women and children and would use emotional appeal to influence their purchase behavior. The advertisements would be shown on break-time till matches last or the soap or entertainment program runs in the

Gibbs Cycle Used to Facilitate Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Gibbs Cycle Used to Facilitate Learning - Essay Example The student displayed the use of "Bandura (1977 cited in Quinn 1997) Social Learning" to address this skill. Social learning occurs when an individual learns something by observing another person doing it, called "learning by modelling" (Quinn 1997). A teaching plan was developed indicating the methods to be used to attain the skill (Appendix 2). And, the student had an opportunity to learn when she was placed within an Accident and Emergency Department. If the learning environment is not of an optimum standard then it can inhibit the whole learning process (Boud 1988). An initial assessment was completed prior to the student performing the targeted skill so that the level of prior knowledge was documented in advance. The student then moved on to the practical aspect of their learning. In gaining this background information the student's perception will go from thinking they are dependent on the teacher to becoming dependent upon themselves. This is because it encourages the student to be actively responsible for their own learning rather than taking a passive role (Welsh & Swann 2002). It is a motivator for the student to learn and develop their confidence and the ability to become a critical thinker (Morgan 2005). After having the opportunity to integrate both theory and practice in a teaching session they then became a competent practitioner (Morgan 2005). For the student, the best way of translating theory into practice is to be receptive to learning within a practical setting (Hinchliff 1999). Skinner's theory that practical learning can be st rengthened is a behaviourist approach to stimulus and response (1954).

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Placement Report at Abacus Business Advisors, Ltd Essay

Placement Report at Abacus Business Advisors, Ltd - Essay Example Abacus Business Advisors, Ltd. (Abacus) was reportedly incorporated on March 17, 2010. Just two years in operation, this corporation is classified as private company with three partners:   Ishtiaq Mahmood Farooqui, the Director and Accountant with expertise in accountancy, book-keeping and transactions involving tax consultancy; Ejaz Farooqui, also the Director and Accountant share the same expertise with Ishtiaq Mahmood Farooqui; finally, Yomtov Eliezer Jacobs, was the Director whose expertise was in company formation. As such, his directorship was already classified as inactive at current times.Location and Contact Numbers  Abacus is currently located at 9 Norville Terrace, Headingley Lane, Leeds in the United Kingdom. It is classified as a private organization that offers accounting and auditing services; as well as tax consultancy services. Its contact number is 0113 225 2026 and 0113 274 5508. It currently advertises its services through online sites such as the SeekAccounta,, among others.Placement Job DetailsMajor Accounts and Responsibilities  In my first week, the first few days were spent in orientation of the organization’s accounting system. I had to be familiarized with their system to enable facilitation of filing, encoding, and working on basis accounting responsibilities: book-keeping, bank reconciliation, among others. I was made to start off with sorting out bank reconciliation in the first few weeks. I worked through the organization’s general ledger accounts.... It is classified as a private organization that offers accounting and auditing services; as well as tax consultancy services. Its contact number is 0113 225 2026 and 0113 274 5508. It currently advertises its services through online sites such as the,, among others. Placement Job Details Major Accounts and Responsibilities In my first week, the first few days were spent in orientation of the organization’s accounting system. I had to be familiarized with their system to enable facilitation of filing, encoding, and working on basis accounting responsibilities: book-keeping, bank reconciliation, among others. I was made to start off with sorting out bank reconciliation in the first few weeks. I worked through the organization’s general ledger accounts that contained records of their cash and check transactions. Likewise, I worked through bank statements to reconcile and counter check that the cash and check transactions during the perio d under study to perfectly reconcile with the balances shown in both the general ledger and the bank statements. It was initially a difficult task given the details that one needs to check and countercheck these balances (bank versus book). Likewise, adjustments had to be made in terms of deposits in transit, any outstanding checks issued but not yet recorded by the bank, and the occurrence of some bank errors (as it normally happens). In addition, I had to adjust the balance in the company’s books in terms of the need to deduct bank service charges, NSF check fees and fees for the issuance of checks. I also noted the need to add interests earned and any notes receivable, as identified. After comparing the accuracy of the balances, I finally had to prepare journal entries to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Critically evaluate interventions aimed at increasing physical actvity Essay

Critically evaluate interventions aimed at increasing physical actvity levels in school children aged 511 (Primary School) - Essay Example As the physical activity interventions have enough evidence that can avoid diabetes in children, it is as well important to decrease overweight and obesity in children. As obesity is due to the increase of energy intake than the energy expenditure, the physical interventions are necessary for the reasonable energy expenditure in the children. In addition to that the physical activity can help in maintenance of musculoskeletal health and can reduce the increase of fat due to sedentary life style in children. In addition to above aspects, the physical activities will help in psychological development and well being of children as they are capable of avoiding depression, stress and anxiety. As the development of social skills in children need physical activities as well as classroom activities, the physical interventions in primary school children will develop a positive self-image and self esteem thus increasing the quality of life (WHO, 2006). 1 Townsend, Tony (19980 quotes Comenius (1657) and Pestalozzi (1898) along with Froebel (1903) about the physical interventions in the form of play in early childhood education. ... All the above authors recognized play as 'work' of children and is significant in their activities. Supporting the above theory of play, recent works by Anning (1994), Berk (1994) insisted that the inclusion of play in programs can provide theoretical support. In addition to the clinical benefits, the physical activities are helpful in learning also. In addition to that the children in future can develop socially cooperative behavior by engaging themselves in physical activities. To have long term goals from the physical activities, highly skilled teachers are necessary to judge the situation, intervention and recording the events for future planning. To have long term gains, teachers in primary schools should understand the play activities as well as physical activities as tools for learning as well as health. The physical activities can make children to achieve individual and group objectives. To achieve the results of physical activities and for timely implementation of them, the parent teacher partnership is necessary for long term gains of physical activities of children. 2 Children in Playground and Recess Just before analyzing the long term and health benefits of physical activity in children, their playground and recess behavior concern is important. Pellegrini, Anthony (1994) quotes Craig Hart (1993) that emphasizes the importance of recess for children. It is the unique part of the school day and enables children to interact with each other thus paving way for their social behavior of the future. As classrooms do not have peer interaction, the recess provides that and can act as emotional ventilation making them mentally healthy. The physical activities can be termed as

Monday, September 23, 2019

Strategic Corporate Finance case study 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Strategic Corporate Finance case study 1 - Essay Example have a useful life of around 20 years and after that they are expected to be removed with a decommissioning cost of around  £2,000 and  £5,000 for onshore and offshore projects, respectively. As far as the adjustments are concerned, sales revenue has been the same for both projects and there is no change in either of profit and loss account and working of cash flows. Government grant has been adjusted such that the government grant would be received by the company in first year of the project which is  £2,000 and  £5,000 for both these projects respectively. However, in profit and loss account, government grant is spread to all 20 years in equal proportion which, however, is adjusted for the estimation of cash flows. Local taxes are included in the profit and loss statement however they have not been included in the estimation of cash flows as guided in the additional information. Being a non-cash expense, depreciation is not considered in the cash flow estimation which is however included in the profit and loss statement (Scott and  Megginson, 2008). Cash reserve is in fact working capital which is not included in the profit and loss statement. However, an outflow of cash reserve is shown before the start of first year project and has been realized in the last year of the project with the same amount. Capital budgeting process has been conducted for both these projects in order to evaluate the financial viability of these projects. The financial viability can be envisaged using four types of investment appraisal techniques such as 1) Net Present Value (NPV) 2) Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 3) Accounting Rate of Return, and 4) Payback Period (PP). The following discussion incorporates each of these four techniques with respect to both â€Å"onshore† and â€Å"offshore† projects. Net Present Value of any projects determines the present value of all the future cash flows discounted with an appropriate cost of capital of the firm after deducting the initial

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Intramuros a Must See Essay Example for Free

Intramuros a Must See Essay Less than an hour away from the hustle and bustle of hectic cities surrounding the capital of the Philippines enters a whole different world. Before knowing the place being referred too, it must be kept in mind that if every nation is like a human body then it must be right to consent that the country’s capital city is its heart. Therefore as it pulses with life, it also pups the same to other parts of the nation body and vice versa. This is especially true about Metro Manila which itself is made up of several smaller cities and a handful of municipalities. But this capital, Manila, also has a heart of its own: one entirely surrounded by stone walls, one that had once dictated the country’s destiny for a long time and city which was being referred to is none other than Intramuros. At its peak, Intramuros was where piety was just as powerful as politics. It was not only where colonial Manila’s most prominent colleges, deluxe residences and most respected government offices were located, but also the grandest of churches. In this prime, the Walled City vibrated with vitality, throbbed with so much activity. Far from a bleeding heart, it had rules the rest of the country mightily, pounding its will on the people. Today, efforts to preserve the Walled City, and revive its illustrious past are stronger than ever. The present generation of Filipinos has come to realize its value as a national heritage as in the days of our forefathers. Keeping this in mind that Intramuros is a priceless treasure that is a must to share with the world which then leads towards the thesis statement of the research Intramuros is the best place to visit in Manila to see the glimpse of the past and its beauty. This research will be tracked through the means of transportation, places, food, and souvenirs to persuade the tourists on why to tour Intramuros and at the same time to inform them about the details they should know if they choose to tour Intramuros. BODY: Intramuros being considered as Manila’s one of the top tourists spots and a place where most people go relieve themselves with the history of Manila and the whole Philippines is quite big as it was the capital of the Philippines during the Spanish Era. Therefore the mode of transportation needed to explore the Walled City should be the first thing a tourist should think about. There are many ways to tour around Intramuros and these can either be by walking, by riding a pedicab, by hiring a Kalesa, or by going for a tour program. One of the ways to tour Intramuros is touring by foot which is the cheapest mode of travel and the most tiresome one. However, there are many people who prefer to walk when they are travelling. Therefore it should not be hassle since Intramuros is one of the most pedestrian friendly cities known. Touring by foot can be such a time consuming way since Intramuros is such a big city and it might take at least four-five hours to complete the wholesome tour. But on the other hand, this type of tour can give a great view of the history of Intramuros and Manila as there would not be anything blocking the eyesight. Hence according to Mr. George, if touring by foot is the option, it is advisable to bring a map of the walled city to plan the best path that can be taken for the tour and it is also advisable to bring an umbrella to avoid being scorched by the midday sun (Personal comm. Nov 3, 2011). The second way to tour Intramuros is by riding a pedicab which is a great alternative of touring Intramuros by foot. Pedicab is a bicycle that has a covered sidecar and operates somewhat like a rickshaw with an attached seat for two passengers. Riding a pedicab allows in-depth touring that’s otherwise seen only in bikes or walking tours therefore it is considered to be an ingenious way of moving inside the Intramuros since the pedicab drivers in Intramuros knows the ins and outs of Intramuros like the palm of their hands. For tourists, these pedicab drivers already have their route that they follow to tour their clients. Most of them have pamphlets about the tourist spots inside the walled city. Pedicabs can be hired for 100 pesos hour and it can take at least two hours to go and visit the interesting places. Lastly keeping in mind it is one of the Filipinos ways of addressing the need for environmental-friendly transportation (HealthBridge, 2010). The third and one of the best ways to tour Intramuros is hiring a Kalesa. Kalesa is the Tagalog word for a horse-drawn carriage which came to light in the Philippines during the 18th century by the Spaniards. At that period, this mode of transportation was used only by the nobles and high ranked officials who could afford it. But nowadays Kalesa are rarely used in the streets and are commonly seen in famous tourists’ spots and rural areas. Therefore to bring back the reminiscences on how Spaniards used to travel around Philippines, it is highly recommendable to hire a Kalesa while touring Intramuros depending on the budget. Kalesa are considered to be more expensive than the pedicabs nevertheless it can accommodate more people depending on their sizes. The price range varies from 350 pesos to 600 pesos for that reason its better to negotiate with the driver/kutchero before starting the tour as some of them rip off their passengers (Ahab, 2010). These kutcheros have a quite outstanding knowledge about Intramuros hence the two hour trip around Intramuros is worth it while riding a Kalesa . The last and final way to tour Intramuros is hiring a tourists or travel agencies that offer touring services inside this walled city. This is the most expensive of all mode of travelling inside the wall city however there are some benefits to it for instance the tourist guides would be a professional one which can enlighten their tourists with the history of every places in Intramuros thoroughly. This tour program will make the tourists ride on horse drawn carriages which are almost the same as the ones used during Spanish times that are better than the Kalesas plying around the walled city. An example of a tour program is â€Å"If These Wall Could Talk† by Carlos Celdran. This tour program led by Carlos basically uses a carriage that looked like it was owned by a royalty and the exceptional way Carlos tours around the tourists with his narration about the history of Philippines was like watching a theatrical act. This example of tour program lasts for at least three hours maximum with bringing the tourists basically everywhere in Intramuros and costs more than 700 pesos each person (Guevara, 2008). Considering all the options given above regarding transportation, choosing the best mode should come in versatile depending on the budget and time the tourists have. The main goal for travelling to Intramuros is to enjoy as much as possible with the right transportation guiding the way towards the past and inner beauty of the Walled City. After choosing the right mode of transportation, the places in Intramuros should come into an account to make the tourist wonder what they are about to see. Intramuros is known for its historical destinations therefore with 0. 67 sq. mi. lot size, it is advisable if there will be a well prepared plan to tour Intramuros. In the preparation to visit the Walled City the following aspects should be considered to make the tour worthwhile and these are as follow: best time of the year to visit Intramuros, operating hours of the places to visit in Intramuros, appropriate things to bring and clothes to wear in touring Intramuros and the most important are the places to visit. There are two seasons in the Philippines which are summer and rainy season therefore to discover Intramuros it is better to think about which season suits the best. Summer is when the flowers bloom and start of vacation of the students and professionals, it’s a great chance to go unwinding. The advantage of summer is that the sun is up most of the time and during this season the rainy days are rare which is a great chance to visit and appreciate places like the walls with its bastions and ports and also the beauty of the famous churches in the Intramuros, the old Spanish houses like Casa Manila, the Bahay Tsinoy, the monuments and the plazas and the Palacio de Gobernador. But there’s a disadvantage of summer. According to Mr. George (Personal comm. , Nov. , 2011) during summer the sun is at its peak so the temperature is high. Touring with this kind of temperature is not a comfortable idea. Well there’s the counterpart of summer it is the rainy season. In this season the temperature is fresh and cool and the sun is not at its peak. But then rainy days are more frequent during this season. Unfortunately there are places in In tramuros that are easily flooded when it rains. Therefore there are chances of cancelling the tour in Intramuros since the mode of transportation would not be easily available and at the same time some of the well known places may be closed. Once the season is chosen to visit the Walled City, one must know about the operating hours of the places. According to Mr. George (Personal comm. , Nov. 3, 2011) there are some places in Intramuros that are under construction and renovations and some became restricted places. These constructions and renovations may affect the schedule of the operating hours of these places because some are closed for a while to avoid casualties and provide safety for tourist. Mr. George (Personal comm. , Nov. , 2011) said that the construction and renovations are inside Fort Santiago and some parts of the walls for example near the Pasig River and there are also under going excavations like at the ruins of Intendencia. While these places are under construction and renovation, still there are other places that are open on their normal schedule which is from open from 8 am – 5 pm daily (Philippines-hotels, 2011) and even if Fort Santiago is under construction and renovation there are still plac es open to public. Fort Santiago is open from 8 am – 6 pm daily (Javellana, 2011). The appropriate things needed and clothes to wear should also come in consideration before exploring Intramuros. Mr. George (Personal comm.. , Nov. 3, 2011) suggested to bring umbrella and to wear a hat for the heat of the sun and also he suggested wearing a comfortable clothes like maong and t-shirt and maybe Sunday dress because some places have dress code like the church which doesn’t allow shorts inside. Also bring a bag for souvenirs and for things to be brought upon touring and a bottled water (about, 2011) to prevent dehydration because the temperature is hot in Manila especially at noontime. And the most important is to not forget to bring money for the expenditure while touring Intramuros. Finally when all things are planned and set, the tourists should be enlightened with the places they will or might visit while touring the Walled City to see the beauty of the past. There are a lot of places to choose from for a visit. Like for example the San Agustin Church which is the oldest church standing in the Philippines, Manila Cathedral which symbolizes the importance of the Church in the Philippines, Fort Santiago where the Philippine national hero Jose Rizal was prisoned and his last steps where seen before execution, Casa Manila which is the museum of the era’s architecture and lifestyle, Bahay Tsinoy, the walls with its bastions and ports, the plazas like Plaza Moriones and Plaza Roma, and the monuments like Monument de Magallanes, monument to King Carlos IV and monument to Simon de Anda ( Javellana, 2003). So, considering these aspects about places, the tour if well planned would be smooth and most likely fool-proof. Therefore the best plan in touring Intramuros is first to visit during the middle of the rainy season and summer season which starts from October till February to avoid at most possible chance the disadvantage of the two seasons. Also Mr. George (Personal comm. , Nov. 3, 2011) said start the tour during 6 am up until 10 pm or 3 pm onwards to have a more comfortable time while touring inside and if the tour starts as early as possible the more the time can be allotted to explore each and every places. Secondly, knowing the operation hours can give a hint on how to arrange the places to avoid missing any places that’s included in the plan like for example San Agustin church must come first before Fort Santiago because San Agustin church closes earlier than Fort Santiago. And then bring all the needed things to bring and don’t forget to wear the right clothes as Mr. George (Personal comm. , Nov. 3, 2011) reminded to also avoid missing a place if ever there’s a dress code in it like for example as said earlier the church that has a dress code as to not wear shorts. And if done considering these three factors then there’s a bigger chance that every possible place in Intramuros can be visited because everything is prepared and there’s no hindrances or any problems at most during the tour. Then touring Intramuros will be much fun and at the same time will unleash the history in the most appropriate and striking manner. Following the exploration of the historical monuments and destinations located inside Intramuros, the tourists are then ready to be acquainted with the food establishments found throughout the Walled City. One of the most popular food establishments is the sidewalk food establishment which could be found throughout the streets. Some of the sidewalk food establishments that can be found are: The Katunan which can be found at the sides of both LPU, and Mapua, Tiendas Mertaniya which is located in front of Mapua and stretches towards LPU, and last but not the least the qwek-qwek stalls or carts which is found basically everywhere. The ubiquitous activity of selling ready to eat foods, or also called as street foods, is one of the basic daily activity in the busy street of Intramuros. This activity reflects the Filipino local culture, especially the different roles of men and women in the society. Lighter and easier task are mostly given to women, while more profound and tougher task are given to men. For example, men sell soybean curd, or also known as â€Å"taho† in Filipino, which requires them great physical strength and stamina to carry their merchandise while women stay inside sidewalk food establishments, to cook, serve the costumers, and wash their wares (Weightman, 2010). The meal, snacks and refreshments served on the streets of Intramuros, provide for a wide variety of costumers’ tastes and range from traditional recipes. There are different and plenty of varieties of ready to eat foods accessible on this sidewalk food establishments which vary from: manioc, chips, eggrolls, and meal of rice with meat, fish, or chicken, along with a side dish served on a plate (Manahan, 2001). Therefore in the context of rapid urbanization, ready to eat foods or street foods, are becomingly increasing important as both as cheap, and quick meal option to your consumers and these sidewalk food establishments in Intramuros mostly caters students since it complements with the busy life of students but at the same time it can enrich the food quality within the tourists as well. On top of that the price of ready to eat foods or street foods ranges from fifty cents to 80 pesos which is prominently within the budget required. Though the sidewalk food establishments are quite popular in Intramuros, the restaurants situated in this place should also be taken into account. These restaurants are as follows: Illustrado, Casa Marinero, Barbara’s restaurant and many more. The said restaurants are known in their own perspective. They are designed in a way that can reveal how Spaniards used to dine during the invasion of the Philippines and some are designed to promote the respect of the Christianity religion. In their main dining room, oth families with small children and older women dining â€Å"out with the girls† could be seen sharing the family-style portions at tables surrounding a grand piano at which a live pianist plays on Saturdays. Since Filipinos love to eat, sing and be entertained, Intramuros is an opportunity to merge food and entertainment. This can also show the tourist one of the distinctiveness of the Filipinos. Last but not the least, a tour cannot be complete without having the k nowledge about the souvenir shops since it is the things bought in these shops that brings back the memories to treasure. The art galleries, antique shops and souvenir ships in Intramuros are considered to be one of the best souvenir ships in Manila. These souvenir shops are still existing and thriving money-wise because of the tourist influx in this walled city located inside the metro. The three famous souvenir shops located in Intramuros are Papier Tole Shop, Silahis Arts and Artifacts, and  Mananzan Handicrafts. The Papier Tole Shop was established in 1668 as major hub for recycled paper products. The Spanish era left a very important contribution to the Filipino people by utilizing their artistic talent and skills as it leaves unique masterpieces for the unique paintings in 3D or in watercolour, paper dolls, necklaces and other paper products (Travel Man, 2011). The shop was given the name Papier Tole as the name is signifies an art technique in which part or all image is raised from the surface to give a three dimensional effect which enhances the natural shape of image (The Papier Tole, 2005). The products found in Papier Tole shop are mostly engrossed by the 3D effects on the building art and related works. Although the ship is now incorporated with other indigenous art, paper products are still the highlights of the souvenir shop. The Papier Tole mostly attracts the tourists but in some instances there are students who take time from their busy schedule to go and visit the souvenir as the price ranges from 5 to 4000 pesos depending on the size of the product. The second souvenir shop to be considered is the Silahis Arts and Artifacts which was established in 1966. This shop is engaged in designing, producing, retailing and exporting the finest of handmade Philippine product. The main concern includes the principles such as indigenous esigns, native resources, and the spirits that have used them in everyday life (Silahis Center, 2003). The products found in this souvenir shop try to create a deeper understanding of the many-faceted heritage of the Philippines and its people through a greater appreciation of their culture and crafts. The price ranges from 10 pesos to around 2500 pesos an d it attracts both the tourists and the students. Finally the souvenir shop, Mananzan Handicrafts, opened its doors for the tourists back in 1968 at the basement of Manila Pavilion but now it is located right in the heart of Intramuros. This souvenir shop welcomes thousands of tourists from all over the world, balikbayans, and local buyers and provides them with the utmost in shopping convenience. According to Mr George, the grace and dignity of the quality of things can be found in this souvenir shop and gives a guarantee that would make the tour in Intramuros worth remembering (Personal Comm. , Nov 3, 2011). The products that are found in this souvenir shop are made by different tribal groups and have a little taste of the Spanish Era. The Mananzan Handicrafts carries extremely wide and interesting selection of Philippines-made products from all over the country. Therefore not only is the shop a source of unique and affordable souvenirs for tourists, it is also an exhibit of the Filipino’s world-renowned ingenuity and outstanding craftsmanship. The price range varies from 20 pesos to 1500 pesos. It is better not to spend too much money therefore here are few tips to help spend the money wisely in the souvenir shops. First, the souvenir items that are environmental-friendly or products from the recycled materials are the in-thing these days. Therefore items such as native bags, paper mache are few of the many things that should be considered. Second, items that are affordable should be chosen only if it is unique from this country. Lastly, budget everything before considering the things to by. Keeping this in mind, there is one thing that should be taken whole-heartedly and that is that the souvenirs and merchandize can be bought in very reasonable rate if well thought-out and planned properly. The products found in the souvenir shops of Intramuros are somewhat the replica of what it was like during the Spanish Era. The products are used from recyclable materials and can be bought in reasonable rate.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Case Study On Hindustan Unilever Limited Commerce Essay

Case Study On Hindustan Unilever Limited Commerce Essay The Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a software or online solution for the data entry, data tracking, and data information for the needs of the Human Resources, payroll, management, and accounting functions within a business. A human resource information system is an organized, accurate, relevant and appropriate method of providing information about human resources. It is a organized way of storing data and information for each individual employee in decision making, to help in planning of human resources. It can be used to maintain details such as, employees absence reports, salary administration , employee profiles and other various kinds of reports. Evolution of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) In todays world where technology is increasingly developed and touching all aspects of todays business, the use of IT and information technologies is increasing in companys HR department . Now HR managers have realized that there are vast technological changes, with adoption of IT becoming a necessity for them. IT is playing a key role in the HR departments of companies nowadays. Companies are trying to make the finest use of their systems for organizing and storing information of their employees. In the year 1960s the HR professional and managers of the companies used to spend time in gathering information manually on paper, receiving enquiries, and mostly busy in tedious and manual administrative work. Now as times have changed, systems are getting automated. The companies have started investing in their HR department, developing it by including human resource information system. Human resource managers are now giving up with costly, lengthy and outdated processes and customizing for IT-enabled HR systems, which marks the beginning of a new era in the functioning of HR professionals. Human Resource Information System (HRIS) provides- An effective HRIS is used to provide information about anything the company needs to track and analyze about its employees, former employees, and applicants. Managing information of all employees Reporting and analysis of employee information Benefit to administration including enrollment and personal information updating. Applicants tracking, resume management, interviewing, and selection. Complete integration with companys financial and accounting system. Model of a human resource information system Fig-1 Input subsystem:- It deals with gathering of data about various aspects of human resources. HR research subsystem: It gathers data such as job analysis, job evaluation, employee absenteeism, employee morale and employee turnover. HR intelligence subsystem: Information is collected from external environment formally and informally. Output subsystem: It consists of five subsystem HR acquisition subsystem HR development subsystem Appraisal and compensation Maintenance subsystem Industrial relations subsystem HR acquisition subsystem :- (planning, Recruitment, selection placement) It involves functions like planning of human resources i.e forecasting the need and supply of human resources. Recruitment and selection involves the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and select those with a greater likelihood of success in a job by conducting group discussions, interviews, etc. HR Development System: (operative training, management development and organization development) HRD system requires information about the competencies that are to be developed among employees. It helps in knowing about the changes that are to me made in management system or the development to be made in the organization ,etc. Appraisal and compensation system: (performance appraisal, financial compensation, incentives) Appraisal management Appraisal involves evaluating an employees value and performance for devising suitable compensation package, training, promotion, demotion etc. and compensation involves determining the incentives, benefits etc. Compensation management: It is concerned with designing and implementing total compensation package. Here compensation means providing money or other benefits to the employee like provident fund, bonus, insurance scheme and other payment. HR Maintenance system: (mobility, safety, health and stress management) HRM system looks after the maintenance of employees in the organization. It involves human resource mobility in the form of promotion, demotion, transfer and separation. By taking care of employees by organizing stress management lectures that the employees may face during work. Also taking care of the safety and health of employees Industrial Relation System: (discipline management, grievance handling, management of industrial disputes) IRS is helps with managing good relations between management and operatives. This involves managing employee discipline, managing industrial disputes, redressing employee grievances, etc. Benefits of HRIS Data can be processed at high speed Classifying of data becomes easy Effective in decision making. Higher accuracy of report generated. Quick response to answer queries. Better work culture. Establishing of streamlined and systematic procedure. More transparency in the system. Employee Self Management. CASE STUDY Hindustan unilever limited(HUL)- Doing well by doing good. Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is Indias largest Fast Moving Consumer Goods Company, touching the lives of two out of three Indians with over 20 distinct categories in Home Personal Care Products and Foods Beverages. The companys Turnover is Rs. 17,523 crores (for the financial year 2009 2010) HUL is a subsidiary of Unilever, one of the worlds leading suppliers of fast moving consumer goods with having its strong hold over 100 countries on the world with annual sales of about à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬40 billion in 2009. Hindustan Unilever was recently rated among the top four companies worldwide in the list of Global Top Companies for Leaders by a study sponsored by Hewitt Associates, in partnership with Fortune magazine and the RBL Group. The company was ranked number one in the Asia-Pacific region and in India. It is the mission of HUL that inspires more than 15,000 employees, including over 1,400 managers, is to help people feel good, look good and get more out of life with brands and services that are good for them and good for others.   This mission is shared by HUL with its parent company unilever which holds about 52 % of the equity. Application of HRIS in Hindustan unilever limited Peoplesoft Hindustan unilever limited uses peoplesoft software to look after human resource management and customer relationship management PeopleSoft, Inc. was a company that provided human resource management systems (HRMS) and customer relationship management (CRM) software, as well as software solutions to large corporations and organizations. It was a self-governing corporation until Oracle Corporation took acquisition over it in 2005. The marketing of PeopleSoft name and product line are now done by Oracle. HUL implemented using peoplesoft since 2003 for its human resource management, Peoplesoft, at that time, was an object of much speculation and suspicion with the owners ( HR Managers ) and the end-users ( HR Officers ), But peoplesoft 7.5 had stopped being used for a while in unilever due to improper working. After a proper examination it was found out that oracle database was the root cause for the improper working of peoplesoft. A big 5 consultancy which was a peoplesoft support company had left the whole implementation of peoplesoft in an unstable state and had to quit its operations from HUL. This problem was further handled by CMSS pvt ltd who analyzed the database thoroughly and restored the database table by table. They not only stabilized the system and made it usable, but also integrated the system with many of their other HR applications. Performance Appraisal and Competency Enhancement system (PACE) Performance appraisals of Employees are necessary to understand each employees abilities, competencies and relative merit and worth for the organization. The employees are rated in terms of their performances. It is essential to measure the performance of the employees and the organization, it helps in checking the progress towards the desired goals and aims and which further helps in improvement of the performance. Past performances of the employees are taken into account and are further it focuses on the improvement of the future performance of the employees. Formal and properly structured performance appraisals help the employees to clearly understand their roles and responsibilities. This further gives direction to look after the individuals performance. It helps the individual performances in aligning with the organizational goals. It also helps them to review their own performances. It was implemented since 2003 and is used till date. CMSS looks after Development, Support, Optimization, Enhancement and Customization of PACE. HUL wanted a Performance Appraisal and Competency Enhancement system for its officers, based on the Performance Management Model followed at HUL but the problem that they were facing was, there were no records of the details of officers in a consolidated form. But CMSS could manage it by getting all the database by setting up helpdesks in 4 metro cities and could implement the working of system in 3 months. Performance Development and Planning system (PDP) It helps in keeping track of the performance the employees. The process enables each staff person to understand their true value-added to the organization. It helps them in setting goals that which would increase their ability to contribute to the success of the organization. HUL wanted a Performance Development and Planning system for its managers, based on the Performance Management Model followed by them. A basic version of this system sent to India, that version was found to be highly lacking in certain features desired by HR in India. The PDP software had to be developed such a way that it could be integrated with peoplesoft because it had all its employees details stored in it and with a feature for real-time data bridge between Peoplesoft and PDP it could be easily be configured and used as required. PDP is till date being used by HUL to manage the performance of its managers. Conclusion:- Thus studying of the report helps in knowing the vast developments that has been occurring in the field of human resources. Not only in case of IT companies where employees are key assets, even the non-IT sector has also realized the importance and need to invest in technology to upscale their HR functions. It is not only time and cost saving but also has the long-term benefit of retaining employees. Appendix: Fig-1: Model of human resource information system.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Cultures And Values In Human Society

Cultures And Values In Human Society Culture is the essential part of the humans society. Every person is spending his or her life within a certain cultural community. It frequently defines what kinds of person a man or woman is and what values will they have. Does the cultural environment have a direct effect on the values within a community for anthropology, psychology and sociology? Let us discuss this topic step by step. To understand it better, we can at first define what the cultural environment is and what influence it has on people within it. The very nature of the cultural environment is cultural and social aspects. It is could also be called a social context and sometimes milieu. It is a culture of a society or a group where a certain person is living or getting an education; it is institutions and people who interact with a certain human. By interaction we can mean not only different types of personal communication (like on a workplace, in class, with neighbors etc.); people could also communicate with each other by means of different communicational media (like phone, internet, newspapers, television etc). In spite of non personal type of the communication, people whom a man or a woman meets in internet can have an influence on his or her values and point of view. Also television and other mass media form our perception of life and other people little by little. This type of interaction we c an call one way or anonymous. It does not always imply the equality of the social status. Thus, the concept of a social environment is wider that the concept of a social circle or a social class. Nevertheless, it is common that those people who have the same social environment start having a sense of solidarity. They easily help and trust each other; also they tend to create a social group. As a result, those people will always have a similar way of thinking and similar patterns even if they make different conclusions. It shows us that people depend on society and culture around them very much whether they recognize this fact or not. Let us briefly define what culture itself is. It is going to help us understand what kind of effect it has on the values within a community for anthropology, psychology and sociology. There is plenty of information about culture and different consequences of it. It is impossible to transmit a culture through genealogy. Culture is not something innate; culture is something that everybody should learn. Different facets of it are interrelated; a culture is spread by those people within a group. Nowadays different cultures could easily exist within a country side by side (like it commonly happens in African countries). According to Hoebel (1960), the definition of a culture is following: The integrated sum total of learned behavioral traits that are manifest and shared by members of society. According Lawton (1975), culture includes age grading, religious rituals and athletic sport. According to Frow (1995) there are traditional differences in task and doing business were breaking down and this meant that standardization rather than adaptation is becoming increasingly prevalent. Probably, a culture is one of the most significant environmental variables that should be considered within a global marketing. Often a culture could not be freely overlooked; it often hiding from a view. Culture consists of some elements; they are language, aesthetics, religion, values and attitudes, education, social organization and material culture. It is necessary to discuss briefly every element of it. Material culture includes communications, power, transportations and others. Language is the next aspect of culture. It is a reflection of the values and nature of a certain society group. It could be sub-cultural languages, for example, dialects; in some countries it could be two or even more languages. Aesthetics includes art, dancing, arts-music. It concerns good taste, beauty, form and color of it. Education, as it is easy to see, includes the transmission of ideas, attitudes, skills and training in certain disciplines as well. Moreover, education serves as a transmitter of cultural and social values. Sometimes a child was introduced to the cultural value by school or later by university. Religion gives the humans behavior the best insight and as well it helps us to answer different questions, for example, why people behave n this way and not in another. We can see that culture is a complicate conception; it includes different aspects. What can we say about values conception? What is commonly meant by values? Shortly, by values a person may mean something that is really matter to him or her. It is beliefs and ideas somebody holds as special. Social and cultural environment forms ones values. Home, church school there are just some places where people could study values that are common for everybody within their cultural environment. Teachers, friends, parents are forming our personal system of values from day to day. As a result we have personal values. Arts et al. (2003) summarized that they consist of something that we accepted from people around as and that part that came with our own life experience. It is too compulsory to accept everything a person is hearing around him or her; nevertheless, values of cultural environment around us has its strong influence on our own system of values. Now, when we recognize what values, culture and cultural environment commonly mean we can examine the direct effect that the cultural environment has on the values within a community for anthropology, psychology and sociology. Before discussing the influence of a cultural environment on a person according to anthropology let us briefly mention the definition of the science. Saying shortly anthropology is the inquiry of humanity. Its origins throw back in the social sciences, natural science and humanities. The term itself is taken from the ancient Greek language and has two parts: man and study or discourse. The matters of anthropology are how do people behave, what are their physical traits, why we can see differences and variations between groups of people, and finally who was the ancestor of the modern humans. Anthropology is commonly divided in to four fields; they are cultural, or social, anthropology, linguistic anthropology, archaeology and biological, or physical, anthropology. We can see that anthropology itself is the science that studies social and cultural values, differences, origins, roots etc. Thus, it is important to talk about the influence of culture environment according to this certain science. According to anthropology, a culture could be seated deeply; unprepared person could take some type of a culture like something senseless, strange and even cruel. Let us give an example. According to the Muslim culture a woman must cover her face with yashmak and hide herself from any alien. Nilaweera Wijetunga (2005) emphasized that this custom could appear strange and senseless to any person from Europe, United States or numeral other countries where people flaunt a womans form openly. Here is another example of the opposite culture. In some African countries (like Congo, Kenya etc) women do not wear top cloths. Oyeshile (2004) explained this fact that according to their culture, their traditions and according to their hot climate they do not consider the top of the female body something that they should cover or hide. There are many other different examples of things and customs that are unacceptable and even criminal in one part of the world; at the same time at another part of it people consider it the culture and commonly do it. Summarizing this short extract we can see that cultural environment have a direct effect on the values within a community for anthropology. Continue the two examples above, a woman from the African country where there is not common or compulsory to cover her body with upper wear have values that are different from the values that are precious for a woman from a Muslim country. If those women could try to explain themselves their culture, values and reasons why they are keeping those culture values they would hardly understand each other. It is common that Muslim people condemn women from Europe and America. For them even the most modest and restrained American female seems to be a woman without culture values because she shows certain part of her body What can we say about the influence of the social environment on personal values for psychology? What is psychology? It is the science of the humans behavior and mind. This science is an attempt to understand humanity by exploring certain specific cases and by discovering some general principles as well. One of the main goals of psychology is to benefit the society. Scientists who involved in it we can divide in to some groups: cognitive scientists, social scientists and behavioral scientists. Among others, social behavior is among different subjects of psychology. The science of psychology explores following concepts: emotion, cognition, phenomenology, perception, attention, brain functioning, behavior, motivation, personality, unconscious mind and interpersonal relationships. As anthropology, the science of psychology is a social science and it has a strong connection with social environment. According to psychology, some type of behavior could be considered normal and other type c ould be considered abnormal. Commonly, humanity has the same nature. For example, murdering and cruelty is considered abnormal in every social group and community. Nevertheless, within some cultures the conception of cruelty may vary. Let us give an example. In American and European countries violation in any form is unacceptable even within a family. Thus people who keep doing it to others would consider psychologically abnormal. According to the culture of some eastern countries, especially countries with Muslim culture, a husband can beat his wife or punish her or in any other way if she does not satisfy him. What kind of misdeed could a wife do? She may cook a food that her husband does not like; she may say a word that her husband could consider unacceptable. People within the community with such culture are considered psychologically normal even if they commit violence every day. According to their culture cruelty is acceptable. A woman is expecting for it and she has no even right to complain. According to the example above we can see that psychological situation within a community could have a strong negative effect on personal values of a human. A person can look at low values of members of the community around him or her and subconsciously this person could understate those values that he or she had before. Psychologically people inclined to depend on society. That is why we can state that the cultural environment have a direct effect on the values within a community for psychology. Sociology is the last science that we are going to discuss. It studies the society using different methods of critical analysis and empirical investigations. This science refines and develops knowledge about the activity of human society. One of the aims of sociology is to achieve the social welfare with the mean of the knowledge. Mancheno-Smoak et al. (2009) stated that the field of interests in sociology varies from the micro level of interaction and agency to the macro level of social structures and systems. It is a very broad conception that is focused traditionally on social class, religion, social stratification, social mobility, secularization, deviance and law. It includes all spheres of peoples activity. It is interesting that sociology studies different types of interactions between people. We are living in the age of the world wide globalization when the whole planet is becoming one big house. Different cultural and social communities are not staying separate from each oth er like it was some hundreds years ago. People are moving, migrating and spreading their culture and different values among other societies. Why can we state that according to sociology, the cultural environment have a direct effect on the values within a community? First reason is that people like to communicate with each other. It means that they getting some new knowledge and values. Roniger (1995) declared that when representatives of different cultures are staying in contact for some time they will get used to new values. It will stop being new for them. New cultural values will become common and according to sociology people will start accepting it in their lives. In some time they would not remember that one or another culture or value was not imparted to them. And it is the second reason why the cultural environment has an effect on values of people for sociology. In other words, when people move from one place to another they create a new social group with mixed culture and values. In conclusion of all factors and aspects that we discussed above we can see that anthropology, sociology and psychology are connected between each other. These three sciences are all about the human nature, culture and community. They are examining interactions and cooperation between different people; we can state that the cultural environment have a direct effect on the values within a community for anthropology, psychology and sociology because according to these sciences it is up to peoples nature to take something new from others. According to religion, human society was created as one big family. Let us agree that this statement is right; thus, we need to accept that people within a social community have a direct effect on each other in the same way in which members within an ordinary family have. Every science that we discussed has one main aim to make our society better. We need to remember that it is up to everybody to help in achievement of this aim.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Reopening Old Wounds :: Personal Narrative, Autobiographical Essay

Reopening Old Wounds Professor’s Comment: Bob’s essay is an intensely personal, admirably honest introspective examination of his repressed emotions concerning his parents divorce. I would cry, but that would be a pointless waste of energy. It’s one of those things that I envied my mother. In a flash she could go from the stoic lady of the house to a sobbing goose. I never understood how. I’d go from astonishment to disgust to envy. I take more after my old man. I’ve never seen him shed a single tear. Then again I’ve never really seen him smile either. I grin a lot. I was supposed to be in my home town right now, tossing back cold ones and laughing with my best and oldest friends. My schedule wouldn’t permit it, however. It’s probably for the best. It’s never a good idea to hit one’s home town in a poor mood. I’d probably just end up hanging around the main drag, pissed off my ass and yelling at cruisers. Chances are I would end up in jail, or calling an old girlfriend and reopening old wounds that should have healed years ago. I wonder which of those two prospects is worse. Instead of expressing my emotions as I should, I have withdrawn them and locked them away deep inside me. Rather than call a friend and talk, or go walking, or listen to records, or break things, I am in front of the computer, writing. It is a safe form of expression; if this gets too revealing or too corny, I can always delete the file, or password protect it, restricting access to me alone. So the question on my mind lately has been why. What happened and when that has left me so numb to my feelings? I’ve tried countless times to trace it back and pin it down to an event, to that key moment when I started down the path of self-imposed isolation. Of course, Freud would insist I failed the oral stage, the stage where trust and security develop. It occurs usually around the second year of life, when parents wean their child. If all goes well—according to Freud—the child tastes for the first time independence from his or her mother and begins to explore that independence.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Humorous Wedding Speech by the Groom :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Humorous Wedding Speech by the Groom It is apparent from the opening few lines of this speech that the groom has an excellent relationship with the bride's parents and this can be really useful, not just in the future, for obvious reasons, but it can also make the speech more humorous. This speech is also a good example of using events in history that happened on the same date as a source of humor. Thank you for those lovely words. I'd like to remind you that you're not so much losing a daughter, but regaining three closets (wardrobes). I will not forget the first time my wife took me home to meet her parents. To break the ice, I asked her dad which team he supported. "West Ham" (Cubs) he replied. Which was obvious as he lives in London (Chicago). So I said "I bet it's exciting when you win a match (tournament)." "I don't know," he replied. "I've only been supporting them For six seasons (ten seasons)." By the way I haven't forgotten, I'll sign that receipt for you. He has written out a receipt for me. It reads: Received: one daughter in perfect condition, fully guaranteed. Care Notes: gets bored easily keep busy with a constant supply of chores. Not to be outdone, my mom also has a receipt for my wife to sign. It reads: Received: one son, sold as seen, no refunds under any circumstances. I've re-decorated the room and changed the locks so you're stuck with him. Care Notes: de-hydrates easily, top up regularly with beer. While writing this speech, I thought it would be a good idea to research some events in history which happened on this day. I found out that on this day in 1889 Sherlock Holmes appeared in the Adventure of The Engineer’s Thumb and in 1948 synthetic rubber was first used in asphaltic concrete. I'm sure both of these events will be a real inspiration to us over the years. Now, there are some thankyous that I’d like to convey on behalf of my wife and I. We both want to thank the bride’s parents for the support they've given us. From day one, you have been fully behind us, and have always demonstrated how a marriage should be - and that's successful. I’ll do my best to live up to your expectations and promise to take good care of your daughter.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Security and Privacy in Workplace

1. 0 Introduction Whalen and Gates (2010), define monitoring differently in their article. They define it as a method and procedure of examining the workers in an organization and study their constant events intended to guarantee that together the protection of employees and requirements of the employer are met. Nearly all companies nowadays take videos of their employees, they read their emails and monitor their Web surfing. This can be done surreptitiously and some organizations are honest about it Chan et al. (2005). Privacy is one of the most important things that are immensely fitting to be something of the past.In general companies are permitted to observe employee activities by the courts. Private companies have been setting rules in situations when employees are taken into service for instance contracts that affirm that they will be monitoring employees’ use of the Internet or any company tools (Chieh and Kleiner, 2003). Efforts have been made in arrangement for laws t hat protect business and the employees, regrettably most current court cases have been deceiving evidence in the eyes of the magistrates thus confidentiality or privacy laws have been unsuccessful for employees.It has been recommended that government, big firms and industries and health care systems should have the capability to tape and study workers activities as it is a benefit to research and development for several years. Most legislation is the same opinion that laws should be set in place even though the breach of human rights forbid them from approaching the issue to a law level (Welebir and Kleiner, 2005). Sadly, comprehensible defenses of privacy opposed to security may never be evident from the view point of the law.Employers’ main apprehension is the decrease in productivity, virus attacks/ damaged equipment (i. e. computers), legal charges and loss of classifies data. Employees’ major worry is incursion of their privacy, mistreatment of control and precisi on in their work. A survey conducted in the year 2000, is that sixty two percent of the employees use Internet resources once a day for their private reasons and twenty percent of them use it for at least ten times.This is why employer is at unease because a large number of workers are using company property for their own use and not for the business purposes. According to Watson (2002) sopports the idea that productivity is what most companies are concerned about such that if employees use them for their own private uses it will negatively affect productivity. It is compulsory for them to put regulations and policies that will help them monitor employees and their activities during working hours.Some of the main things that companies use are telephone monitoring particularly when personal calls are made, electronic surveillance, drug testing and verification of emails sent externally for private reasons. Reasons why companies make use of policies is for the reason of a decrease in productivity , sensitive material which arise from unpleasant email usage, workplace accidents caused by prohibited drug use, employees bitterness over monitoring of computers and sexual harassment complaints prompted by dating among workmates. 2. 0 Research Objectives R01.To identify if security and privacy actions affect things like productivity in the workplace/organization R02. To state some of the security and privacy actions that some companies are implementing in the workplace R03. To analyze whether organizations nowadays are focusing more on prioritizing their security initiatives thus undermining their employees and their personal lives R04. To evaluate if companies are using the right tools, technologies and methods to maintain good quality security and privacy within their organization 3. 0 Research QuestionsRQ1. What do organizations hope to achieve by implementing security in their companies? RQ2. What effect does security and privacy actions have on productivity in th e organization? RQ3. Do organizations of nowadays focus more on prioritizing their security initiatives hence undermining their employees and their personal lives? RQ4. Do companies use the right methods, technology and tools when they choose security and privacy as a priority? 4. 0 Hypothesis H1. Security and privacy actions increase things like productivity in the workplace. H2.Telephone and email monitoring, monitored computer web use and surveillance cameras are some of the security actions that some organizations are implementing to their workers. H3. Organizations nowadays are more focused on prioritizing their security initiatives thus undermining their employees’ personal lives. H4. For a company to maintain good quality security and privacy within their organization they have to own the right tools, technologies and methods. Theoretical Framework Workplace performance Security and Privacy in the workplace Priorities of the company such as productivity and protectionT he independent variable is security and privacy implementation in companies and workplace performance is the dependent variable. Priorities of companies such as productivity and protection are the controlling variables to the results. 5. 0 Achievements gained From Implementing Security and Privacy in the Workplace Organizations hope to achieve a better performance from their employees when they implement security in the workplace. Most companies today in most parts of the world do observe their workers because they have reasonable reasons for doing so.Since employers are accountable for their employees they have to provide them with a safe and a secure workplace. By monitoring or surveilling employees, employers hope to achieve several things such as employee or customer satisfaction, protection of the company’s confidential information and prevent trade secrets from leaking out, non-offensive material from emails and the internet, high performance from the network and the sy stems and to boost employee productivity (Vorvoreanu and Botan, 2001). 5. Non-offensive material from emails and the Internet According to Lee and Kleiner (2003), employees are responsible for all their workers during employment hours such that even any of the workers happens to send offensive information/materials and they happen to offend the receiver, the employers are the ones who will be liable to this course of action. If the material that would have been sent is found offensive for certain then the company can be sued which can affect the companies’ reputation to a greater extent.To prevent such cases most companies have seen it fit to take the initiative of monitoring each and every email and web use by the employees. 5. 2 Prevention of trade secrets from leaking out According to Paciniet al. (2008), there are several physical actions that employees consider when doing an internal control to safeguard trade secrets of the company. Such actions include a restriction on accessing certain premises (use of key cards), locks for all file cabinets, surveillance equipment to see all movements and passwords for accessing computers.Monitoring employees especially when it comes to trade secrets boosts productivity because employees who have intentions to harm the organization are quickly detected and those who are loyal to the company will work to their maximum potential because they know that they are safe. 5. 3 High Performance from Network and the systems of the Company Companies do not only monitor their employees just to check if they are doing work properly. They also monitor them in order to know if the network and system performance is not being taken advantage of by being used for personal use hence a decrease in productivity.If a computer network is efficient it is of a great advantage because it increases productivity in the workplace. If a computer system is poor it can be a great loss to the firm because productivity can decrease which result s in loss of customers and profits. Most employers really consider the network bandwidth traffic; this is related to employees using the network for personal use . These activities include downloads which decreases network and systems performance, also sharing and use of large audio and video files, surfing the internet and personal emails which are of high volume.All these actions by employees can cause the network/system be attacked by viruses which may cause it to be disabled (Trim, 2005). Secondly, if the bandwidth is used for purposes that are not work-related somehow it would be an expense that could have been avoided and to make matters worse the expenses that are incurred do not contribute to the wellness of the firm (Strategic Direction, 2009). For example nowadays most organizations are seeking to adopt the Web 2. 0 technologies for the sake of privacy and security of their companies.This type of technology according to Almeida (2012), it enables the employers to prevent d ata loss which would have been caused by inappropriate use of social media applications such as YouTube, Skype during working hours will definitely increase productivity in the workplace. According to Doshi (2009), employer does believe in monitoring their employees because it is a fast and easy method of getting the job done. Productivity and profits increase because the employees will work efficiently and at ease hence a lot of work is done in a short period of time.When workers work efficiently the employees themselves is satisfied hence customers are satisfied as well (Chan et al. 2005). According to The Gazette (2008), Internet abuse is a rising problem that is costing Canadian businesses beyond sixteen billion dollars yearly in lost productivity and the amount is predicted to be eighty billion dollars in the United States. 6. 0 Security Actions That Most Organizations Are Implementing 6. 1 Drug Testing Most organizations do drug testing for security reasons.For companies that are doing drug test, they test mainly for alcohol and drugs separately and others test for both. Employees who come to do their job under the influence of drugs/alcohol may be a threat to other work-mates. Secondly, drug testing has increased because of a rise in health cost and an increase in the danger imposed by lawsuits which come from worker disease. Many companies are involved with drug testing their employees because it is one of the best ways for solving medical and economic problems (Jardine-Tweedie and Wright, 1998) .According to Lu and Kleiner (2004), if the drug testing by the employer is legal and correctly does things according to the law of that particular state then the company will have to look forward to higher profits. High profits are obtained because the employee will be more productive, higher level of morale, a low rate of absenteeism, low health care and fewer injuries are encountered during working periods. 6. 2 Electronic Surveillance Computers are changing rapidly nowadays especially in the workplaces such that monitoring employees by electric equipment is more common.Surveillance cameras/ CCTV is another means used by employers to monitor their employees, they are always aware of all the activities that take place in the organization and surrounding areas. According to Chen and Park (2005), monitoring employees regularly would reduce cases of spies in the organization getting away with their actions. Such cases are few because these â€Å"spies† are aware that they are being watched thereby lose interest to do any illegal actions that will jeopardize their identity (Lu and Kleiner, 2004).Next, management’s main objective is to increase productivity and gain more profit hence they believe monitoring employees’ will improve their productivity levels for the better and an assurance of service of high quality. Chieh and Kleiner (2003) states that employers can use information they get from the cameras to find out th ings that are going wrong in the workplace or find out reasons why productivity is decreasing. For example, an employer can discipline workers who may have been wasting their working hours on their own interest based from the information obtained from monitoring.From this employees are bound to focus more on their assigned duties rather than waste time during working hours. Surveilling employees also motivates them to work even harder than they have been doing (Lee and Kleiner, 2003). Managers can somehow conduct a performance evaluation of their employees whereby they will be able to give a feedback to the employees’ and explain which parts needs correction. From monitoring they are able to dictate the type of employees who are hard-working and those who need help.Employers are also able to detect mistakes the employees are making and from this it will be easy to assist them and correct them. 6. 3 Emails, Voicemails/Telephone calls, Files and Web/Internet use monitoring Many companies monitor employees’ emails, files, voicemails and internet use for various reasons. The number of companies who practice this type of monitoring has increased over the past years (Cox et al, 2005). Employers proclaim that by monitoring employees email, voicemails/telephone calls that way they can be certain that they do not contain any materials that can offend the receiver.Email monitoring is when employers monitor all emails that are going in and out for security purposes to make sure that employees are not disclosing employment or business confidential information. They may monitor as well to check if employees are not harassing other coworkers. Telephone monitoring is a system of managing calls and observing service by the employees. This type of surveillance is used to monitor employees when they make or receive calls and they can gather information on how the employees are performing.Internet use monitoring is when managers take the initiative to observe all t he steps of their employee’s online tracks. Sixty percent of the firms in the United States of America gain from the complex technology and they opt to monitor the workers activities on the Internet (Ciocchetti, 2010). In cases that they are in such situations whereby a worker sends offensive material employees are able to deal with the accused accordingly based on the proof of recorded conversations/videos.For example, Xerox Company fired forty employees who were caught viewing Pornography sites on the internet during working hours (The Register, 2000). Employers have been monitoring all its employees all over the world (ninety-two thousand in total) by taking records of every web site opened. The main reasons why they were fired is because they spent most of their working hours on issues that were not related to their company and also viewing pornographic sites may have been offending material to coworkers.Companies have installed different types of technologies just to mon itor their employees’ activities. Examples include software that filters specific content of information to prevent it from leaving the firm which may lead to the disposal of company secrets. Other types of software used by companies are those that can monitor log-on and off times so that employers can see if workers are wasting time on issues that are not company related.Monitoring of emails, voicemails, files and Web use is believed to be another way that makes it certain that employees will work efficiently and possess productive work habits. Productive work habits boosts efficiency which increases productivity thus perfecting customer service. According to Welebir and Kleiner (2005), the worry for organizations is to keep up with the aspect of having power over production and encouraging utilization of the Internet as a priceless resource.A survey conducted by IntelliQuest Information group revealed that there was an increase in private use of the Internet at work. The re sults signified that the use of had grown from 6. 9 hours to 9. 8 hours for every week prior to the last year and about fifty seven million workers access Internet from their workplace for private use. Further information provided by the study was that the number of workers seemingly receiving classified information from competitors has increased from 9. 2 percent to 24. percent within a year. Moreover workers are getting emails with attachments, roughly one fifth of the workers have reported receiving insulting email from an inner source and only a third to confess spending more time on the Internet for personal use. States do not have the same policies for monitoring and governing websites viewed by the residents. States like China, Vietnam and Singapore does not only block sites for pornography they also ban access to linguistic and political issues (Hechanova and Alampay, 2010). 7. Prioritizing Security and Privacy Ignores Employees’ Personal Lives Opponents of implementi ng security and privacy in the organization state that organization nowadays are too concerned with their own company interests and its prosperity thus forgetting that their employees do have personal lives. Installing electronic cameras that will be watching their activities all day when they are at work, monitoring emails and phone calls is making companies seem as if they are forgetting that their employees have a life to live (Dubbeld, 2004).This side of the coin feels that staff is at liberty to confidentiality when they are using the Internet. Employees argue that as they are allowed to breaks, lunch hours or other selectedperiods where they are not liable to any duties but still in the building they should have the freedom to do things like checking their e-mail, do their banking or shopping and maybe just browse the Internet on free time. Everyone is entitled to some privacy no matter where they are so they argue that they should be able to do this during their free time wit hout anyone monitoring all their movements.Secondly, employees do not consider it as monitoring productivity when companies even observe staff in the toilet or relaxing areas of the office. Some employees consider it as an intrusion and they have lawful hope that they can maintain their personal lives private. Undermining workers privileges to confidentiality by surveillance and monitoring is not the only problem that employees face. It also generates high levels of stress and nervousness which to higher chances may lead to poor health of workers and a reduction in performance.Examples of physical wellbeing problems which may be caused by monitoring are repetitive Strain Injury and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from performance monitoring by the company for instance keyboard strikes. To add on, employees believe thatthey are individuals who can make their own decisions hence it is their right to be treated as proficient andindependentpeople. Guaranteeing their individual development and pe rformance that can be valued is what they believe they can achieve if they are treated as independent people thus they consider surveillance as violating their privacy (Ahmed, 2007).Workers argue that as long as individual e-mail does not hinder or conflict with business life, it should be permitted. Employees also argue that phone calls take more time than writing an e-mail and also that they should be given time to do individual matters because it can reduce the rate of absenteeism. Most employees have suggested that as long as there is a realistic limit on this practice of monitoring emails, there is no reason for fear but in situations where someone does something unusual then they will have to be dealt with (Kierkegaard, 2005).Even if employees are informed that they are being monitored and in agreement that they are using company property they still feel that their employers’ are not respecting the fact that besides working for tem they also have personal lives which st ill go on whether they are working or not. 8. 0 Better results can be achieved by using the right tools, technologies and methods For a company to maintain good quality security and privacy within their organization they have to own the right tools, technologies and methods.A company cannot just instill a rule/wake up one morning with intentions of monitoring all the activities of their employees and expect high productivity. Companies have to follows certain regulations to install such things as software that monitors an employees’ Internet use and all phone calls, drug testing and electronic surveillance. A cautiously worded policy that informs employees concerning the necessity of surveillance in the company will be the most probable way that it can gain acceptance or support for workplace monitoring from them (Watson, 2002).According to Mei-ShaChieh and Kleiner (2003), as regards to other forms of monitoring, it is vital that all forms of surveillance should not be unreas onably intrusive. The methods that employer’s use when they consider monitoring employees should be practical because if they are not deemed like that then the company can encounter problems such as rebellious employees; which may cause a decrease in performance. Arnesen and Weis (2007) critically supports the idea that Employers must know that it would not be irrationally intrusive to observe what an employee does in public; however it might be intrusive to observe the employee’s behavior hen they are in private places such as the toilet. For example, it may be practical to take pictures of employees when they are at work to observe productivity. However, it may unreasonable to put transparent panels in the ceiling of an employee lavatory. Moreover, if convincing conditions state the use of cameras in locker rooms or other private areas, they are supposed to have signs warning employees they are there. Next, Kierkegaard (2005) states the some of the international regu lations and codes that organizations should take note of when they decide to prioritize security and some form of privacy in their workplace.The International Labor Office (ILO) has issued a Code of Practice on the Protection of worker’s personal data† and it is anticipated to give assistance on the safeguard of workers’ private data. The most important requirements of the Code include issues like using individual data legally and justly only for reasons that are directly applicable to the employment of the staff and for the reasons which they were gathered for in the first place. Employers should by all means necessary not keep insightful private information of employees and all employees should be well-informed before such events take place in the organization.They should be informed of any kind of monitoring that especially the ones that involve personal data collection. However, the information obtained from monitoring them should not be the only issues when doing a performance appraisal. Companies have a duty to safeguard private documents against any kind of a loss, unapproved access, usage, changes or exposure. Employees must have admission to their entire personal information and all rights to scrutinize and get a copy of all the archives.Revealing an Internet supervising policy is an essential element in an organization. Workers ought to be up to date with the type of activities that would be supervised, the regularity monitoring and how the management will be informed of the activity. If the organization verifies how the employees use their Internet then they must be informed and if the company retains deleted information for reasons like security when they should be informed about it (Welebir and Kleiner, 2005). The staff should not have beliefs that their actions on the Internet are confidential.Even though companies do not want to present the idea that they are monitoring each word they key in and mouse clicks on the Internet, it is compulsory to tell employees that they do not own any personal confidential rights when they are using the company Internet. 9. 0 Research Design and Methodology The impact of implementing security and privacy in the workplace and the effect it has on performance in the firm is an ontological study which takes a subjectivism view because security and privacy is created from the perception that workplace performance might be positively or negatively affected.The research is more of an explanatory studywhich is a deductive approach where Saunders et al. (2006), defines deductive astestinga concept in which the researcher cultivates the concept and assumption and design a research plan to test the assumption. The research strategy that is suitable for this study is survey because according to Saunders et al. (2006), it is usually related to a deductive approach and since we are using companies it is a tactic commonly used in businesses.I believe the research choice suitable for t he study is a multi-method qualitative study whereby semi-structured interviews and questionnaires can be used for data collecting. Time horizon that can be used is a longitudinal study where according to Saunders (2006), the researcher embarks on a study at numerous facts in time in order to answer a research question. For reliability and validity sake to how security and privacy affect workplace performance several times of embarking on such a question will provide accurate results. Physical access is the one suitable for my study since I am an external researcher.Access would be granted from the management of all the companies that are to be used for the study and gaining an informal access from all the employees for accurate results. One of strategies that can be used to gain this access is that the project will benefit the company in one way or the other. Research ethics that should be maintained during data collection stage are confidentiality and anonymity. Furthermore, the s ampling method technique I used is probability specifically cluster sampling is what I would consider because there are specific types of jobs that make use of surveillance cameras, computers (with internet) and telephones. . 1 Possible Results Based on the literature analysis, H1 can be accepted because by implementing security in the workplace it can work in two ways. Firstly, protects the business from competitors and can be used when evaluating employees. H2 can also be accepted because not only American companies use Surveillance cameras, do telephone and Internet monitoring, companies in Europe and in countries like China, Vietnam, Philippine, Australia also do the same. H4 is acceptable because for the policy of applying security and privacy to work companies have to follow proper procedures.However H3 will remain debatable in the sense that in every topic that arises there is always going to be a group of people who will rebut the idea. It is acceptable only when the company does not communicate the use and the reasons behind the monitoring. 10. Conclusion Based on the evidence and facts from the literature review which provided various perspectives about security and privacy it can be concluded that monitoring employees can result in something noble or something unscrupulous.For example, emails and surfing the Internet can be a disruption but at the same time the feeling of being watched regularly can also be a disruption. Law of privacy has to balance employee interest against those of the employers and more prominently it must center on the important concepts of human self-esteem. Information technology has assisted firms to enlarge their productivity and efficiency but the misuse of the Internet has steered firms to monitor all communications operated electronically to guard their companies and limit legal responsibilities.Nowadays two major developments to be concerned about in regards to electronic surveillance is the great concern for employee p rivacy and the increased cases of employers being caught accountable for workers’ misbehaviors of electronic communication. Although the courts are in support of employers they must be alert about the workers’ rights though shielding the firms’ interests. Words 4 282 References Ahmed, S. ( 2007). Analysis of Workplace Surveillance In a Quest for an Ethical Stance. Journal of Business Systems, Governance and Ethics, Vol 2,No. 4. Almeida, F. 2012). 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From these sources I could get dependable information because they are reliable sources.I did not manage to get a lot of recent journals for the current year and for the previous year but I did manage to get publications which were within the ten years. These sources really helped me understand more facts about my research topic. Most of the journals that I found were useful to explain my topic and write more facts because they had information that I wanted to use. Most of the journals that I found discussed reasons why organizations were implementing security and privacy in their organizations and the proper procedures that were supposed to be taken for such policies.However it was not easy to get journals that rebuttal those ideas and supported that somehow it affected employees. Secondly, I was able to find journals that explained security and privacy from companies in different countries. The issue of security and privacy in the workplace was more crucial beginning 1996 which shows that it’s an issue that that was brought about technology advancements. I found most of my journals on emerald insight and to top it up I found more from scholar web publications. I took my time to paraphrase all the necessary information from the journals that I found to support all my assumptions.I used twenty- three journals to support my ideas, except for one journal all of them the author name was given, dates, journal article headings and all the information needed to do the referencing. The impact of implementing security and privacy and its effect on workplace performance Appendix 2: Mind Map Week 1 Received topics to research on Week 2 Search for relevant journals mainly from Emerald Insi ght. com Week 2 Research Objectives Research Questions Hypothesis Week 2 Chose the research topic Week 3 Theoretical Framework Introduction & Search for more JournalsWeek 4 Non-offensive material from emails and the Internet High performance from company networks &systems Week 4 Protection of company confidential information Prevention of trade secrets from leaking out Week 4 Positive effects of security and privacy mainly on productivity, employee &customer satisfaction Week 5 Security & Privacy actions that companies are using Week 6 Facts raised by opponents of Security and privacy e. g. electronic surveillance Week 7 Owning the right tools, technologies and methods Week 9 Research Design and Methodology Possible Results