Monday, January 13, 2020
Rhetorical Modes
Associate Program Material Appendix C Rhetorical Modes Matrix Rhetorical modes are methods for effectively communicating through language and writing. Complete the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Provide at least 2 tips for writing each type of rhetorical device. |Rhetorical Mode |Purpose ââ¬â Explain when or why |Structure ââ¬â Explain what organizational |Provide 2 tips for writing in | | |each rhetorical mode is used. method works best with each rhetorical mode. |each rhetorical mode. | |Narration |The purpose of a narration is |Narrations are usually best told in |First ask yourself if you want | | |to tell stories. Narrations can |chronological order. Chronological order is |to write about fiction or | | |be factual or fictional, either |the order in which events are told from |non-fiction. | | |way, they should engage the |beginning to end. Start with a strong | | |readers emotionally. | |in troduction to hook your | | | | |readers. | | |An illustration clearly |The structure that works best with an |First decide on an interesting | |Illustration |demonstrates and supports a |illustration is by order of importance. Order|topic. | |point through the use of |of importance is the organizational method |Gather evidence that works in | | |evidence. |that arranges ideas by order of importance. |conjunction with your subject | | | | |and also engages the audience. | | | | | | Description |The purpose of description in |Descriptive essays are best told by spatial |Choose a subject that you wish | | |writing is to make sure the |order. Spatial order is the arrangement of |to describe, such as a person, | | |readers are fully in tune with |ideas based on physical characteristics or |place, or event. | | |the words on the page. appearance. |Fill every part of your essay | | | | |with full vivid sensory | | | | |details, which include alll of | | | | |the five senses. |Classificati on |The purpose of classification is|Classification essays are organized by its |Choose a topic you know a lot | | |to break down wide ranging |subcategories. It begins with an introduction|about. The more you know about | | |subjects into smaller, more |that introduces the broader topic and then |a topic the easier it will be | | |specific and manageable parts. |the thesis should include how and why the |to break down into groups. | | |topic is divided into subcategories and why. |Make sure you break down each | | | | |topic into three different | | | | |ways, it will help you to think| | | | |more originally . |Process |The purpose of process analysis |A process analysis essay is usually organized|You want to choose a topic that| |analysis |is to explain how something |by chronological order. The steps of the |is interesting, complex, and | | |works and how to do something. |process are told by the order in which they |can be conveyed in a series of | | | |occur. |steps. | | | |Ch oose a process that you know | | | | |well enough to describe the | | | | |finer details in each step of | | | | |the process. |Definition |The purpose of a definition |A definition essay is organized by opening |Choose a word or phrase complex| | |essay is to define a topic in a |with a general description of the term you |enough to write about at length| | |detailed and informative manner. |are defining. Then, you use your definition |or of personal revelance to be | | | |of the term as your thesis. You should also |considered engaging and | | | |use details and examples for the body, and |interesting. | | | |then tie in all the elements of the term and |The context of the term affects| | | |reinforce your thesis to conclude your essay. |the meaning and the definition. | | | | | | | | | | |Compare and |The purpose of a compare and |Compare and contrast essays can be organized |The thesis should clearly | |contrast |contrast essay is to analyze two|by the subjects themselves, first one then |convey why the subjects are | | |subjects that either compares or|the other, or by their individual points, |being compared or contrasted | | |contrasts them or does both. |which discusses each subject in regards to |and what will be learned from | | | |each point. |it. | | | | |Use phrase of comparison or | | | | |contrast to let readers know | | | |how the subjects are being | | | | |analyzed. | |Cause and |Cause and effect essays |There are two key ways that cause and effect |Choose an ev ent that has an | |effect |determine how various events |essays are organized. The first way is by |interesting cause and effect | | |are related. |beginning with the cause and then the effect |relationship, and introduce it | | | |or vice versa, you can begin with the effect |in an engaging way. | | | |and then the cause. Clearly explain and support the| | | | |causes and effects you discuss | | | | |with a wide range of evidence. | |Persuasion |The purpose of persuasion is to |A persuasion essay is made up of five |A thesis that clearly conveys | | |motivate, convince or sway |features. The first feature is the |the opinion of the writer in | | |readers to a certain point of |introduction and thesis. The second feature |clear, consise terms makes for | | |view or opinion. |is opposing and qualifying ideas. a better argument than one that| | | |The third feature is strong evidence in |is vague. | | | |support of the claim. |Be careful of the use of I in | | | |The fourth feature is the style and tone of |your writing, because it can | | | |the language you are using. Lastly, is a |make you seem overly biased and| | | |compelling conclusion. |it takes away from the topic at| | | | |hand. |
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